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Inspired Eye is a photography magazine that exists to showcase the work of interesting people within the photography community, whether you’ve heard of them or not. You will learn and be inspired in ways you didn’t expect.
Welcome to the 32nd issue of Inspired Eye. This issue, we’ll continue as always to give you the great, high-end content that you’ve come to expect from us. You’ll get to learn from people of all kinds of different backgrounds so that you can continue to improve at doing what you love. Here are some of the highlights of this issue:
✅ How an image addict uses visual signals to shoot spontaneously
✅ A Spanish photographer who believes that any location can be perfect if you work to find the perfection in it.
✅ A logistics consultant from Texas who believes that he has an itch that only photography can properly scratch.
✅ A banker from Athens who sees beauty in the strength and patience of the residents of his city who are struggling with its economic problems.
✅ A 75-year-old grandmother’s inspiring journey of overcoming Hindrances and expressing her true self
✅ A shooter from Athens, who describes her camera as a keyhole through which she can see many different worlds.
✅ A software quality Engineer’s views of the shortcomings of pure digital
✅ A Wet’suwet’en member’s quest to create emotive images and protect his heritage
✅ How a logistics consultant finds the connection to his subjects
✅ How a Cardiac doctor from bangladesh manages to find layers in life and his images
✅ As always, a thick readers’ gallery in our industry that showcases photographers at all levels.
✅ & more in 254 beautifully laid out pages
You should get a subscription here and you get 2 issues free!
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