Inspired Eye Street Photography Magazine

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “The BEST photography magazine I have ever laid my eyes on” -Kevin D.

Street Photography Magazine

Get inspired and take your street photography to the next level with Inspired Eye Street Photography Magazine

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Our fresh interviews with up & coming street photographers will keep your creativity flowing, while our insider secrets and tips will give you the knowledge and tools you need to create truly remarkable street photography.  Let Inspired Eye Street Photography Magazine help you capture the vibrant and dynamic world around you like never before!

Cancel anytime. Guaranteed. Monthly PDF & Video review delivered by email

featured in 2019

Component 1: Inspiration

Monthly Street Photography Magazine

Every month you get a 200 page, beautifully laid out magazine right into your inbox, here are a few pages from the current issue.

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✅  Endless Inspiration for your images

We look high and low for fresh, new talent and bring it to you on a monthly basis in Inspired Eye
 ✅  Creative Process revealed
We ask the right questions that almost force the interviewees to “spill the beans” on what makes their creative juices flow!

✅  Street Photography From Around The World

We bring you Street Photographers from around the world, from Ethiopia to Hong Kong.

✅  Pure Content. No Ads.

Your immersion is full with practically no ads in the magazine. Only one page at the complete end.

Here are some images from past issues…

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Every Issue Contains 10 Street Photographer interviews that

Reveal The Creative Process

Each Photographer gets asked a set of questions designed for them to reveal their “secret sauce”

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10 Exclusive interviews per month

The exact number may vary but every month you get about 10 interviews from Street Photographers all around the world. You never quite know who you are going to get. One month you might get a famous street photographer you find in a gallery another month is the mother of 3 that bangs out beautiful images in her spare time.

Curated images

We take all of the images of our interviewees and make a curated selection. Many images end up on the cutting floor. Those who make the cut are sequenced so that you can have a pleasing experience going trough the pages of the magazine.

A unique format that compels interviewees to reveal their secrets

We ask every single on of our interviewees the exact same set of questions. There is a method to our madness. By having the photographers featured as the variable, you get to see how rich the responses are, and these responses sometimes create the exact epiphany you need to “click” with your work.

An immersive experience

Inspired Eye is laid out from A to Z with a design so iconic, it has been ripped off by “inspired” competitors. The design is the way it is so that you can be immersed into the world of street photography. There is nothing else between you and the photographs in the page.

Component 2

Monthly Video Insights

Every month you get a 60 minute-ish video that goes trough the current issue of the magazine. It is full of actionable street photography tips. Inside you get…

✅  Insightful Composition Tips

✅  Mindset issues and how to get around them

✅  Finding your own style

✅  What makes images work

Every Video Insight reveals…

The Simple Secrets That Most Street Photographers Are Clueless About

Each Photographer gets asked a set of questions designed for them to reveal their “secret sauce”
Every monthly video Insight is both Don Springer and I going trough the magazine and revealing a wealth of tips, secrets and strategies that make you a better street photographer just by watching. This comes from be havng 10 years of experience as a Graphic Designer, street photographer and professional photographer. Don has 50 years of experience as a street photographer and was the protege of one of the most important museum curators in the world. Don’t be jealous, I hate him already way too much for it.
We have a very low tolerance for dumbed-down content, no-talent street photography gooroos, so what you get every month in downloadable and streaming for is pure 60 minutes of street photography tips as we go trough each issue of the magazine. You won’t find this stuff anywhere, especially Youtube.
 Because most “Street Photographers” out there are simply bloggers with Google-fu exploiting unsuspecting people like you and me. Good for them being popular and all, but bad for you if you actually want to make pictures. Most of these guys don’t even show their own pictures, but other photographer’s as example…It’s kinda like trusting someone who never drove to show you how to drive. Bad idea, right?

What Our Subscribers Have To Say:

A fantastic source of inspiration and education…

“As a pretty new street photographer and an avid reader I get a serious smile on my face when each new monthly magazine edition arrives. It is a fantastic source of inspiration and education”


Warren Wolfe
I use it regularly in my photography classes…

Hello Olivier, I am a New York photographer and teacher and a faithful reader of Inspired Eye. Indeed I use it regularly in my photography classes to inspire better seeing and more original work”


Frank Stevenson 
The best I have found…

“Oliver and Don, Congratulations to both of you on a fantastic magazine – The best I have found in traditionally published magazines or in the form of e-magazines – a lot of heart, profundity, wisdom, technical-know-how, fascinating interviews with “real” people and great images


Cedrick Hardin
It has really impacted me…

“It’s one of the handful of magazines in my forty-odd years that has really impacted me”


Jeremy Key 
Your magazine is sensational… 

“I just wanted to take a minute to thank you an Don for all your efforts, your magazine is sensational and I am hooked. Both your articles and featured Artists have given me so much inspiration and quite an education.”


Frankie Wyatt  
The BEST photography magazine…

“The BEST photography magazine I have ever laid my eyes on. Just finished buying th bundle of back issues and a subscription as well. You and Don should be very proud of your publication! keep up the GREAT work!”


Kevin Demers
Note: Most of these are not real names. Not because they wished to remain anonymous, but because these testimonials were saved as images and while the words were preserved, the screenshots did not have the names attached to them. Bummer.

Here’s How This Works

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Click on the “add to cart” button and you will be taken to our order page. It takes 30 seconds to fill up your information and checkout. Your information is 100% safe and protected by Paypal

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Get Current Issue & Bonuses

After checkout you will be taken to a page to download the current issue of the magazine. Gold tiers will also be able to download their bonuses and the insights video if already available.

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Get Next Issue

When a new issue gets the green light, you will receive and email with your download link. Clink on it to be transported into the fantastic world of Street Photography. Just 10 minutes of day of Inspired Eye will work on your images.

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Get Video Insights

About 10 days after the release of the issue, Gold and Platinum tiers will receive another email containing a link to download or stream the video insights, revealing the creatvity boosting tips you can get from the current issue.

You get Everything you need to Improve your Street Photography no matter how demanding your schedule. Everything is delivered in a convenient PDF and MP4 format compatile with most devices: iPad, iPhone, Mac, PC, Android Phone, Tablet, Etc.

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But that is not all…

Act Now And You Immediately Receive 4 Additional FREE Bonuses:

Included with your subscription is 4 valuable bonuses. Take a look at that you also get…
BONUS 1 ($5 Value)

Enrich Your Street Photography With Exclusive Insights From Photojournalism

Street Photography’s closes sibling is Photojournalism. Gain amazing insights from tell-all interviews from 3 photojournalists in different stages of their career.
The one word (starts with “S”) to keep in mind for more dynamic, interesting and powerful images. This word build this photojournalists’s career (pg 115)
Make better photos: This photojournalists’s simple, personal, and effetice recipe for great images (pg 135)
What NEVER to do in a combat situation(pg 119)
The never-talked-about, totally unsexy photography tip for cranking amazing images of people (pg 135)
A weird trick for more interesting images, that never fail (pg 141)
Game-changing, exclusive and eye-opening photography insights from an ex-NBC editor (pg 101)
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BONUS 2 ($47 Value)

Make Spectacular Shots With The Ultimate Composition Blueprint

In 30 mins, I reveal the most powerful composition trick that allows you to make breathtaking images easily. Hint: It’s NOT the rule of third
Easily make compelling images with a science-backed blueprint (Gunnar & Hjortzberg at the Psychological Laboratory of the University of Stockholm, Sweeden in 1967)
Immediately applicable. Watch it over coffee and make incredible photos right after
Put in “Virtual train tracks” in your images that compel attention and make your images impossible to ignore
Try this: Watch the 30 minute video, and if your images don’t get better immediately I’ll send you a full refund.
BONUS 3 ($5 Value)

Craft Breathtaking Images With The Composition Blueprint Manual

Take your composition to new heights in one sitting. This short manual expands and explains the finest points of the One Word Composition blueprint for even more creative possibilities for your images.
3 even more powerful yet simple techniques that takes your images to extraordinary
Brain play: How to make complex images that look simple
Exactly what to look for and shoot outlined in red
Composition buildup: How to make a breathtaking image one step at a time
BONUS 4 ($20 Value)

Make Outstanding Pictures With The Simple Hollywood Composition Secret

You probably know that Stanley Kubrik is one of the most famous, well respected and loved movie directors off all time. But did you know that the biggest blueprint for his movies was the One Word composition? In this quick video I explore what makes 6 of his scenes work.
The one composition blueprint Stanley Kubrik build his career on
How you can make outstanding images with the same Hollywood-grade blueprint
How to make subtle yet incredibly powerful images that attract eyeballs (The Shining)
How to use body language to create images with impact (Full Metal Jacket)

“I even studied at the most reputed professional photography school in Spain (EFTI), with a cost of $6000 and six months in length, and concepts like the one word composition did not appear.”


Manuel J.
By now you might be wondering…

How much for all this

Let’s make a count shall we? I’m going to tell you what you get and how much they actually cost. Let’s see: Each issue is sold at $5, and each video at $25. Add to this the special issue ($5), One Word composition video ($47), Manual ($5) and Kubrik video ($20). Also, about the One Word video, someone paid $2000 to a fancy school and never even heard of this powerful concept capable to upgrade your images quickly.

$107 Worth of Value

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Silver Tier

Magazine Only


Per month


Monthly Magazine
Monthly insights video
Photojournalism special issueOne Word Composition
One Word Composition manual
Kubrik & the One Word

Gold Tier



Per month


Monthly Magazine
Monthly insights video
Photojournalism special issueOne Word Composition
One Word Composition manual
Kubrik & the One Word

Platinum Tier



One Time


Get every issue for life
Get every Insights video for life
All the bonuses from Gold Tier
ALL back issues (68+) ALL past videos (33+ hours)
One time fee
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That’s not all…

You are Protected by the 100% Risk-free “Creative miracle” guarantee

You either become a better street photographer (with as little as 10 minutes a day) or your money back
Get Inspired Eye, try it for a month. Read the latest issue for just 10 minutes a day, or fire up the Insights video or the One Word Composition video and watch it for a while, and if your images don’t get better immediately I’ll send you a full refund.
If at anytime you wish to cancel, simply go in your account, and click cancel and that’s it. No fuss, no hassle. Inspired Eye was created for busy people to get the most out of their street photography, if for some reason it doesn’t work for you, you will get your money back.
Inspired Eye is the first digital Street Photography magazine in the world, and ever since we opened doors in 2012, we’ve only had ONE refund request because a lady was unsatisfied. The reason? There was no metadata on the shots, like shutter speed, ISO, etc. We tried to tell her what REALLY makes stunning street photography is not the technical but she would have none of it! Compare her to the teacher who emailed me below:
“Hello Olivier, I am a New York photographer and teacher and a faithful reader of Inspired Eye. Indeed I use it regularly in my photography classes to inspire better seeing and more original work”
That’s not all…

If You Are Too Busy For Street Photography Then You Need Inspired Eye

You either become a better street photographer (with as little as 10 minutes a day) or your money back
Get Inspired Eye, try it for a month. Read the latest issue for just 10 minutes a day, or fire up the Insights video or the One Word Composition video and watch it for a while, and if your images don’t get better immediately I’ll send you a full refund.
If at anytime you wish to cancel, simply go in your account, and click cancel and that’s it. No fuss, no hassle. Inspired Eye was created for busy people to get the most out of their street photography, if for some reason it doesn’t work for you, you will get your money back.
Inspired Eye is the first digital Street Photography magazine in the world, and ever since we opened doors in 2012, we’ve only had ONE refund request because a lady was unsatisfied. The reason? There was no metadata on the shots, like shutter speed, ISO, etc. We tried to tell her what REALLY makes stunning street photography is not the technical but she would have none of it! Compare her to the teacher who emailed me below:
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P.S: You’ve probably spent hundreds of dollars in getting camera. Aren’t your images worth just 10 cents per day? Subscribe now. If you don’t like it, it’s free.