Ricoh GRD IV Hub
Here you can get information, inspiration and more about the Ricoh GRD IV
I love my Ricoh GRD IV, it’s by far the best camera I have ever owned. I have used it for about 8 years and I still gravitate towards it. Why? Because it has legendary handling. It feels good in your hands. And the other reason is, this thing outputs images in Black and White that I have not been able to replicate in any other camera. There’s just something to those Black and Whites that only the GRD does.
I’ve tried many times to move away for this camera but I just couldn’t. All it took was for me to pick it up ONCE and the other camera was gone from my hands and my heart. With that being said, this camera is now OLD, and the videos it makes are laughable and color shots show the camera’s age. But if you keep with the black and whites only, and can deal with it’s relative sluggishness, this is one of the best cameras ever made, especially for street photography.
Ricoh GRD IV Articles
Here are the available articles about the GRD IV you can read on Inspired Eye…
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Buying one
You probably cannot get a Ricoh GRD new, it’s way too old for that. But you can get one used on ebay or Amazon. You have to be careful however, not to get confused with the names. There is a difference between the Ricoh GR and the Ricoh GRD. The GRD is the older line with small sensors. The GR line tries to keep the same camera size but with a larger sensor.
For all intents and purposes you can get a Ricoh GRD III rather than a GRD IV. Don’t get me wrong, the IV is better than the III, but it’s more of a small refresh than a complete overhaul.