I’ve always been drawn to and inspired by photography, but only picked up a camera with any serious intentions during a holiday to Mexico in 2013. Having borrowed a point and shoot from a friend specifically for the trip, I found myself paying more attention to what was happening around me and noticing things that other people had probably missed.
Seeing the incredible Mayan ruins, the beautiful people of Mexico, and tourists galore with fancy DSLRs, I was inspired to purchase a DSLR of my own (a Canon 500D to be precise) and my passion for photography has grown from there.
I’ve experimented with different photographic styles over the last couple of years including landscape, long exposure and architecture, but having recently downsized to a Sony A6000 for easy of use when travelling and having purchased a 35mm 1.8 lens, I’ve found myself shooting solely street for the last few months.
And I’m loving it! Using only the 35mm has helped me focus more on the composition of my photos and taking my time to wait for the decisive moment.
There is still so much to learn, but I try to grow and develop my skills everyday. I take inspiration from the city and the people around me, as well as from my passion for music, film and politics.
I marvel at the work by the greats such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ansel Adams, Steve McCurry and Sebastiao Salgado, and try to learn from the work of contemporary street photographers such as Thomas Leuthard, Junichi Hakoyama and Alan Schaller.
Well, I hope you enjoy my photos and please feel free to visit my Flickr profile to leave feedback. I’d like to say thanks to Olivier and Don at Inspired Eye for my first photography feature on any blog or website ever!
This site is a continued source of inspiration and the recent People of Oman feature was superb. Keep up the great work guys!
Love your photos Paul, pretty outstanding of someone who’s been shooting seriously for such a short time.
Maybe you’re an aspiring street photographer? Photography is the art form, but you’re a genuine photographer!